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Special Episode with May & Jim from the podcast: Learn Spanish and Go!

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Learn Spanish and Go!

In this episode, Alba is having a conversation with Jim and May from the podcast, "Learn Spanish and Go." In this conversation, they are sharing with us the type of content they produce on their podcast, the resources that they offer, and what is like to be a bilingual and bicultural couple.

In addition, at the end of the conversation, you'll get to hear one episode of their podcast so that you can get a sample of the content they produce if you would like to subscribe to their podcast and follow their work.

This is a collaboration episode to help each other grow. On their podcast, Jim and May are also interviewing my good friend and cohost, Alba Sánchez, so that their audience can also discover our podcast and our work.

If you would like to listen to that episode, you can click here to open the webpage for this episode on their podcast and website.

Discover: Learn Spanish and Go!

Thank you for listening!